101 Quotes About Positivity

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1. “Everything will be ok in the end, and if it’s not ok, it isn’t the end!”

2. “Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance.” – Anne Wells

This uplifting quote by Anne Wells suggests embracing life and finding joy, even when circumstances aren’t perfect or as we envisioned. It encourages a positive attitude and making the best of the situation, focusing on enjoying the moment rather than dwelling on what could have been.

3. “Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.” – Wiiliam James

This encouraging quote by William James, a renowned philosopher and psychologist, highlights the power of belief in shaping our experiences. It suggests that having faith in the value and worth of life can influence the reality we create. By choosing to believe that life is meaningful and worth living, we can cultivate a positive mindset that drives our actions, attitudes, and outlook. This belief not only impacts how we perceive our lives but also helps to manifest a reality where life is indeed fulfilling and worthwhile. The quote underscores the transformative power of positive thinking and optimism.

4. “Never Give Anyone Permission Again to Rain on Your Parade.” – Og Mandino

Don’t let others ruin your happiness or achievements. Protect your joy and don’t allow anyone to bring you down with negativity. Stay positive and confident, no matter what others say or do.

5.  “What we’re giving out is coming back to us.” – Louise Hay

Your actions and attitudes have a way of returning to you. Be kind and positive, and you’ll attract kindness and positivity in return.

6. “Affirm it, say it, speak it.” – Lisa Nichols

Use positive affirmations to shape your reality. Speak confidently about what you want to achieve and believe in your words.

7. “You cannot attract what you resent.” – Dr. George Fraser

If you hold resentment or negative feelings, you can’t attract positive outcomes. Let go of negativity to attract good things into your life.

8. “Your attitude is your life.” – Keith Harrell

Your mindset shapes your experiences and overall quality of life. A positive attitude leads to a positive life.

9. “Practice being happy, practice being healthy, practice being successful.” – Ed Foreman

Happiness, health, and success come from daily habits. Practice these qualities regularly to live a fulfilling life.

10. “You’ve gotta concentrate on the good that you desire.” – Bob Proctor

Focus on what you want, not on what you fear or lack. Positive focus attracts positive outcomes.

11. “Expect the best.” – Brian Tracy

Maintain a positive outlook by expecting good outcomes. Positive expectations often lead to positive results.

12. “Today is the most important day of my life and I’m gonna make it a good day.” – Ed Foreman

Focus on the present moment. Make each day count by choosing to have a positive attitude.

13. “You can bring magic to the people you encounter.” – Leo Buscaglia

Your presence can positively impact others. Spread joy and kindness wherever you go.

14. “Bless that which you want.” – T. Harv Eker

Be grateful and supportive of others’ successes. Positive energy attracts positive outcomes.

15. “Insist upon miracles today.” – Bob Proctor

Expect extraordinary things to happen. A positive mindset can create miraculous outcomes.

16. “If you resonate poor feelings, you have to stay poor.” – Stuart Wilde

Negative emotions attract negative outcomes. Cultivate a positive mindset to improve your circumstances.

17. “I don’t look at the world and get frustrated, I look at the world and get busy.” – Lisa Nichols

Instead of feeling frustrated, take action to make a positive change. Get busy improving things.

18. “Whatever you enjoy, you increase.” – Rev. Ike

Focus on what brings you joy. Enjoyment attracts more positive experiences.

19. “Stop all criticism.” – Louise Hay

Criticism, whether directed at others or yourself, creates negativity and harm. By ceasing to criticize, you promote a more positive and supportive environment. Encouraging acceptance and understanding, rather than judgment, leads to healthier relationships and self-esteem, fostering personal and communal growth.

20. “Your attitude is your life.” – Keith Harrell

The way you think and feel influences every aspect of your life. A positive attitude leads to a happier, more fulfilling existence, while a negative attitude can create challenges and dissatisfaction. This quote highlights the power of mindset in shaping your life experiences.

21. “Focus on the positive.” – Jack Canfield

Pay attention to the good things in your life rather than dwelling on the negatives. By focusing on positive thoughts and experiences, you can improve your mood, outlook, and overall well-being. This quote encourages a mindset that emphasizes the positive aspects of life.

22. “If you want a positive solution, ask a positive question.” – Michael Wickett

The way you frame your questions influences the answers you get. By asking questions in a positive way, you open the door to finding positive and constructive solutions. This quote encourages a positive mindset when seeking answers or solving problems.

23. “Never believe a prediction that doesn’t empower you.” – Sean Stephenson

Only accept beliefs and predictions that inspire and uplift you. This quote suggests dismissing negative forecasts and focusing on empowering thoughts that drive you forward. Believe in possibilities that encourage growth and success.

24. “Get ready to receive it.” – Steve Harvey

Prepare yourself to accept good things into your life. This quote suggests that when you’re open and ready for positive opportunities, you will attract them. It’s about having a mindset that expects success and blessings.

25. “Life is good.” – Bert Jacobs

Life has many positive and joyful aspects, even amidst challenges. This simple yet powerful quote encourages focusing on the good things in life and adopting a positive outlook.

26. “It’s happening for you, not to you.” – Christine Hassler

Challenges and setbacks in life are opportunities for growth, not just obstacles. This quote encourages a mindset shift, viewing difficult situations as something that can benefit you in the long run, rather than just hardships to endure.

27. “Never give anyone permission again to rain on your parade.” – Og Mandino

Don’t let other people’s negativity or opinions bring you down. This quote encourages you to protect your happiness and maintain a positive attitude, regardless of others’ actions or words.

28. “Good things are supposed to happen to me.” – Les Brown

Expect positive outcomes in your life. This quote promotes the idea that having a positive expectation can attract good experiences and create a mindset that is open to success and happiness.

29. “The universe is friendly and is for you.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

The universe supports your well-being and success. This quote suggests that the world around you is designed to help you thrive and that positive things are meant to come your way. Trusting in this friendly universe can lead to a more optimistic outlook on life.

30. “Nobody on this planet is going to ruin this day for you.” – Wayne Dyer

Only you control your happiness. This quote encourages taking charge of your own day and not letting others’ actions or words affect your mood.

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope.” — Helen Keller​.

“Positive thinkers are the happiest and most successful. Sometimes all it takes to change your life forever is a single thought!” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression.” — Grenville Kleiser​.

“I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else.” — Winston Churchill​.

“Two men look out the same prison bars, one sees mud, the other sees stars.” — Frederick Langbridge​.

“Our happiness depends on the habit of mind we cultivate. So practice happy thinking every day.” — Norman Vincent Peale​.

“Joy increases as you give it, and diminishes as you try to keep it for yourself.” — Norman Vincent Peale​.

“It’s always too soon to quit!” — Norman Vincent Peale​.

“Cultivate optimism, it gives you the ability to persist and achieve more in life.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“Be mindful of the words you speak; they can create a chain reaction of positivity.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“Positive thinking is more than just a tagline. It changes the way we behave.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“Believing in yourself is the first step to bringing positivity into your life.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“Sometimes all it takes is a single thought to change your life forever.” — Eileen Mulligan​.

“Enthusiasm releases the drive to carry you over obstacles and adds significance to all you do.” — Norman Vincent Peale​.

“Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” — William Shakespeare​.

“Life’s blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed at the fire of enthusiasm.” — Norman Vincent Peale​.

“You can be greater than anything that can happen to you.” — Norman Vincent Peale​.

“Optimism is a key that opens doors and opportunities.” — John Homer Miller​.

“Believe it is possible to solve your problem. Tremendous things happen to the believer.” — Norman Vincent Peale​.

“Positivity comes from focusing on the solutions rather than the difficulties.” — Norman Vincent Peale​.

“Each day I take a step forward toward reaching my goals.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“Every situation, even the difficult ones, can be an opportunity for growth if you have a positive mindset.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“The mind responds to boldness; it delivers resources when called upon.” — Norman Vincent Peale​.

“Even in times of stress, there is always something to be grateful for. Focus on the positive.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“To go fast, row slowly.” — Norman Vincent Peale​.

“A positive attitude creates positive outcomes.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“Find joy in the small moments, and let them light your day.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“Optimism is a choice that brings happiness and success.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented, and happy attitudes.” — Norman Vincent Peale​.

“When life seems difficult, remember: this too shall pass, and positivity will help you get through it.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“Fill your life with love and scatter sunshine. You’ll find that life becomes a continual feast.” — Norman Vincent Peale​.

“When faced with a challenge, ask yourself: what can I learn from this? Positivity is the key to growth.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“Look for the silver lining in every cloud.” — Winston Churchill​.

“The more you give joy, the more you receive it.” — Norman Vincent Peale​.

“Positive thinkers focus on solutions, not problems.” — Norman Vincent Peale​.

“Success starts with a positive belief in yourself.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“Optimism and hope lead to achievement.” — Helen Keller​.

“Positive thinking helps you enjoy life more and achieve more.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“Our beliefs shape our reality. Choose to believe in the good.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

“Positive people attract positive outcomes.” — David Lawrence Preston​.

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